Stoudt's Brewfest in Adamstown, PA!Featuring a variety of mid-Atlantic and Northeast brews. It is highly recommended!! Very good beer, great German food, the Daisy Jug Band, and a lot of fun! We've attended every year since 1995.Click the year for pictures from 2000, 1999, or before.
Brickskeller Tasting - November 9, 1999 - California Hop Harvest Beer Show
and Tasting.
Brickskeller Tastings - March 17, 1999 - Scottish Beer Tasting and Festival
with Bruce Williams of Heather Ales
The GBBF, London, August 4-8, 1998. Attended by Jerry, Dustan, and Paul. The 1997 GBBF drew more than 42,000 beer lovers to sample more than 300 beers. They consumed more than 35,000 gallons of beer during the five days of beer judging, live jazz, rock and comedy performances along with sumptuous food. The minimum serving of beer is 10 ounces, so if you want to savor the flavor instead of slamming suds, take a few friends to split the beer. Click here for pictures!
The GABF "on-the-road" in Baltimore, May 15-16, 1998. Several of us SMASH'ers attended. It was okay...kind of institutional,
no live music or good beer food, lots of brews (some damn good), but most of the
folks from the brewerys didn't make the trip (the beer was poured by
volunteers), and they only gave us 1 ounce at a time to drink!
Oktoberfest, Munich, Sep-Oct 1997. The famous and original. Attended by our esteemed Brew Meister and his sister Anne. Click here for pictures!
The Ram's Head TavernIn Annapolis, featuring Fordham Beer. About twenty of us homebrewers (otherwise known as "hostile tourists" in the microbrew industry) arranged for a brewclub brewery tour to see how they make their good beer and afterwards feasted on great food and more beer.
MASHOUTThe BURP annual homebrew campout. It is really great! Out in a field in Western Maryland, from Friday night to Sunday morning, homebrew clubs from the region converge to share beer. There's a potluck and band on Saturday night and merriment for all! Keg row is not to be missed! We attended in '96, '97, and '99.Click the year for pictures: 1999, 1996
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