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SMASH Brewfest Results

Brewfest XXV - February 3, 2000.

Brewfest XXV sported the best attendence in some time.  Peaked by a few folks from the Camarillo and Oak Harbor offices, we were graced by scoring from 16 judges, plus other beer lovers who chose not to vote.  We haven't had 16 judges in a very long while (I had to expand my spreadsheet)!

Congrats to Dean for winning the brewfest with his Sierra Nevada Porter copy.  Jerry edged out, and took over second place from Frank and JoAnne after validation of the scores.  His controversial additive of molassis to his ESB, while very tasty, drew some lower marks for perhaps pushing it out of the ESB style.  Frank and JoAnne's mild ale was an excellent re-creation of an English Mild.

Place Brewer        Beer                             Score
  1   Dean          "SNP" Dry Porter                  47.4
  2   Jerry         "Sweet Savior" ESB                43.7
  3   Frank&JoAnne  English Mild Pale Ale             43.1
  4   Ann           English Extra Special Bitter      42.5
  5   Jerry         "Richard Head" English Light Ale  39.1
  6   Ann           Christmas Cheer                   38.2
  7   Frank&JoAnne  "Flat Girl" Oatmeal Stout         30.8

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Brewfest XXVI Results - July 27, 2000

Congratulations to Rich for winning Brewfest XXVI with his Honey Blonde Ale!  This was a summer wheat with a hint of citrus.  A fine beer to start the brewfest with.

Rich also brought in too others, but unfortunately suffered from a lack of carbonation and head due to the process of being transferred into growlers from his kegs at home.

Frank and Jo's American Pale Ale took second and was served at room temperature with many apologies from JoAnne.  This ploy for sympathy votes sounded familiar, and so I looked back through our records and found a similar ploy in Brewfest XXI where JoAnne apologized for how bad the beer was, and they took second place on that one too.  Next time I'm not falling
for it, no matter how much you blame Frank.

Dan Friedel debuted as one of our new brewers with his Vienna with a good showing.  This was from a pre-packaged beer kit he received as a gift from Christmas.  The color and clarity was really good, which slightly irritated Jerry because he's been trying to do that for years!

Place Brewer Beer                 Total Points
  1   Rich   Honey Blonde Ale       45.40
  2   F&J    American Pale Ale      42.80
  3   Rich   India Pale Ale         41.80
  4   Dan    Vienna Style Lager     39.83
  5   Rich   Nut Brown Ale          38.80

Honey Blonde Wheat:  Aroma too alcoholic, flat carbonation, a little tart aftertaste.  Too clear, clarity not very wheatish, flattish carbonation, not very wheatish flavor, not bad for a foo-foo wheat.  Good beer, not like a wheat at all.  Because I rated first, rating is high.
American Pale Ale:  Awesome color and clarity, flattish carbonation, slightly light body/mouthfeel, very drinkable but not a lot of flavor.  No appreciable aroma, big mouthfeel, darn warm, nice little bubbles, this could have been darn good cold!  Would have butter bubbles if cold.
IPA:  Pretty beer, no hop scent, more hops, no hop flavor.  Just like the description sheet.  Head quickly dissipated after pouring.  Good hop aftertaste.
Vienna: A little too carbonated.  Very malty aroma, a bit too sweet.  Head dissipates quickly, sweet smelling, crisp mouthfeel but too light, sugary crisp aftertaste, fruity flavor like cider.  A little cold break, slightly something that I can't think of a word for.  Too carbonated, sweet tasting, sugary?  Starts off sweet then ends up bitter, carbonation is weakest point but I really know nothing.
Nut Brown:  Flat as hell, tasteless recativety.  Little to no head, little carbonation, thin, watery, tart.  With increased carbonation and head this would be great.

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Brewfest XXVII Results - November 2000.

Dean moves to Colorado and he still finds a way to win the beer fest.  Prick! 

A few new brewers brought their beers in.  Phil Leese did respectably with his Raspberry Wheat and Mexican Light Lager.   Paul & Kathleen need to let their beer age a little longer and they'll be ready for the next beer fest.

The Brewmeister averaged out to the middle of the pack with his 2nd and 6th place finishes.  His "Dave Don't Brew" Dry Stout was my favorite.

Webmaster's Note: I'm not sure whether it was "pick on the new brewers" day or everybody was just feeling particularly mean during the fest. Judging was particularly harsh.  Judges must remember that if they enter a below average score, they MUST enter a valid reason.  "Tastes like sweat socks" is not productive.  If you can suggest why the beer tastes like sweat socks, then be sure to put it on your sheet.  If you cannot be helpful, do the right thing and don't judge the beer.  In the future, if it is not obvious at the time of tabulating what the reason for the low score was, the score sheet will be disqualified.

I know a few people who refuse to bring their beers in because of the rude comments and harsh scoring. 

Remember that the reason for the fests is not for your "witty" comments and slamming other peoples beers - it is to help our beer making improve.  

Place Brewer Beer Total Points
1 Dean Dry Porter 46.1
2 Jerry Irish Dry Stout 45.8
3 ??? English Strong Ale 44.7
4 Phil Raspberry Wheat 44.2
5 ??? Sweet Porter 43.6
6 Jerry Brown Ale 41.2
7 Phil Mexican Light Lager 33.0
8 P&K Pilsner 32.0


Dry Porter: Bitter Aftertaste Lingers. OK, but could use less hops.  A 20! (looks) Lotta Hops.  Very sharp, too hoppy for me.
Irish Dry Stout: Smells Like Beer! Flattish. A little bit weak.
English Strong Ale: A little dark.  Good head but fizzles away.  Good molasses overtones. Too dark.  Molassesy. Slightly bitey.  Good!  Good but too much carbination.
Raspberry Wheat: Good Raspberry flavor.  Very weak, watery, sweet sugary.  The only fruity beer I've liked so far.  Nice.  Old very clean.  Raspberry not distict as could be.  Very good.  Will probably be best scored lighter beer ever.  Flattish.  Quite good.  Slight watery taste.
Sweet Porter: Head good but shrinks fast.  Thin.  Little watery.  Good Flavor.  Nice Tight Head.  Not redish.  19! (looks).  Slightly Thin.  Malty.  Lacking Hop flavor.  Good overall flavor.
Brown Ale: Too bitter.  OK but too bitter for the style.  Just too bitter.  Very nice.  Bitter.  Overcarbonated.  Looks good.  Bitey.  Taste.  Slightly off flavor.
Mexican Light Lager:  Way too dark but beautiful.  Very little carbination.  Too dark.  Flat.  Flattish, thin.  Kinda dark.  Malty.
Pilsner: Too dark.  Cloudy.  No head.  Too young.  Low carbination.  Weak, watery, green.  Needs to age.  Way too flat.  Bring it to the next fest & it'll score better.  Flat, watery.  Lighter than I expected.  Not bad for a young beer.  Cloudy.  Not much head.  Too low carbonation.  Skunky smell.  Skunky taste.  Too dark.  I can see through it (clarity).  None appriciable (head quality), flat, think Ick (aftertaste).  Too young.

Southern Maryland ASsociation of Homebrewers (SMASH)

1999 Brewfest Results by Category


Date Place Brewer     Homebrew                             Score
9903 2     Jerry      Calcutta IPA                         45.40
9901 1     Dean       Dean's Amazing IPA Elixir of Life    45.40
9903 3     Dean       American Pale Ale II                 45.00
9902 3     Frank C.   German Alt Ale                       43.33
9902 4     Dean       American Pale Ale II                 42.75
9901 5     Frank C.   India Pale Ale                       41.55
9901 6     Rich       India Pale Ale                       41.40
9901 7     Jerry      Gesundes neues Jahr bier (Ger. Alt)  41.20
9912 5     Jason      Nut'n Honey Brown Ale                40.00
9902 6     Jerry      Full Moon Pale Ale American Pale Ale 38.13
9903 7     Tim        IPA                                  37.67
9912 6     Dean       ESB                                  36.88
9903 8     FXD&JoAnne IPA                                  36.43
9902 7     FXD&JoAnne India Pale Ale                       36.00
9903 9     Rich       American Premium                     34.20
9902 9     Dean       Rustoleum India Pale Ale             27.33


Date Place Brewer     Homebrew                               Score
9903 1     Dean       Vine, Vidi, ViGone Vienna              46.60
9902 1     Dean       Hell Yes I'll have another Helles Bock 46.25
9903 4     Jerry      Bavarian Delight Oktoberfest           44.83
9912 1     Jerry      Schwarz Bier Dutch Dark Lager          43.88
9903 5     Rich       Oktoberfest                            42.25
9903 6     Rich       March Madness Marzen                   41.75
9902 5     Rich       Dark Dungeon Dunkel                    40.10


Date Place Brewer     Homebrew                             Score
9901 3     Jerry      Black Sheep Porter                   42.64
9901 4     Frank C.   Hoppy Dry Porter                     42.08


Date Place Brewer     Homebrew                             Score
9901 2     FXD&JoAnne American Cream Stout                 45.10
9902 2     Jerry      Wee Bit Stout Irish Sweet Stout      44.78
9912 2     Tim        Bone Dry Memorial Stout (Irish Dry)  41.43
9902 8     Jerry      Breakfast Stout Oatmeal Stout        31.11


Date Place Brewer     Homebrew                             Score
9912 3     Jason      Christmas Cheer                      41.38
9912 4     Jerry      Santa Little Helper Christmas Cheer  40.13

Southern Maryland ASsociation of Homebrewers (SMASH)

1999 Brewfest Results by Brewer

1. Jerry – Points: 47 "Brewmeister"

Date Place Points Brewer Homebrew                             Score
9901 3     6      Jerry  Black Sheep Porter                   42.64
9901 7     2      Jerry  Gesundes neues Jahr bier (Ger. Alt)  41.20
9902 2     8      Jerry  Wee Bit Stout Irish Sweet Stout      44.78
9902 6     3      Jerry  Full Moon Pale Ale American Pale Ale 38.13
9902 8     *      Jerry  Breakfast Oatmeal Stout              31.11
9903 2     8      Jerry  Calcutta IPA                         45.40
9903 4     5      Jerry  Bavarian Delight Oktoberfest         44.83
9912 1     10     Jerry  Schwarz Bier Dutch Dark Lager        43.88
9912 4     5      Jerry  Santa Little Helper Christmas Cheer  40.13

Min/Max Average: 42.23 Avg Score: 41.34

2. Dean – Points: 39

Date Place Points Brewer Homebrew                             Score
9901 1     10     Dean   Dean's Amazing IPA Elixir of Life    45.40
9902 1     10     Dean   Hell Yes I'll have another Helles Bock 46.25
9902 4     *      Dean   American Pale Ale II                 42.75
9902 9     *      Dean   *Rustoleum India Pale Ale            27.33
9903 1     10     Dean   Vine, Vidi, ViGone Vienna            46.60
9903 3     6      Dean   American Pale Ale II                 45.00
9912 6     3      Dean   ESB                                  36.88

Min/Max Average: 43.26 Avg Score: 41.46

3. Rich – Points: 15

Date Place Points Brewer Homebrew                             Score
9901 6     3      Rich   India Pale Ale                       41.40
9902 5     4      Rich   Dark Dungeon Dunkel                  40.10
9903 9     1      Rich   American Premium                     34.20
9903 5     4      Rich   Oktoberfest                          42.25
9903 6     3      Rich   March Madness Marzen                 41.75

Min/Max Average: 41.08 Avg Score: 39.94

4. Frank C. – Points: 14
Date Place Points Brewer   Homebrew                           Score
9901 5     4      Frank C. India Pale Ale                     41.55
9901 4     5      Frank C. Hoppy Dry Porter                   42.08
9902 3     6      Frank C. German Alt Ale                     43.33

Min/Max Average: n/a Avg Score: 42.32

5. Frank & JoAnne – Points: 11

Date Place Points Brewer     Homebrew                         Score
9901 2     8      FXD&JoAnne American Cream Stout             45.10
9902 7     2      FXD&JoAnne India Pale Ale                   36.00
9903 8     1      FXD&JoAnne IPA                              36.43

Min/Max Average: n/a Avg Score: 39.18

6. Tim – Points: 10

Date Place Points Brewer Homebrew                             Score
9903 7     2      Tim    IPA                                  37.67
9912 2     8      Tim    Bone Dry Memorial Stout (Irish Dry)  41.43

Min/Max Average: n/a Avg Score: 39.55

6. Jason – Points: 10
Date Place Points Brewer Homebrew                             Score
9912 3     6      Jason  Christmas Cheer                      41.38
9912 5     4      Jason  Nut'n Honey Brown Ale                40.00

Min/Max Average: n/a Avg Score: 40.69

Non-Brewing Hall of Shame: Todd, Dustan, Mark, Phil, Ann and Paul



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